lunes, 23 de enero de 2012


As all we know, in UK and in USA they have not got the Three Kings o Wise Men (los Reyes Magos), but here we have an excelent activitie about presents.

WebQuest (3sesions)

Hi guys! In this Webquest will help us to discover important things about Seasons
What is a season? :
A season is a division of the year, marked by changes in weather, ecology, and hours of daylight. Seasons result from the yearly revolution of the Earth around the Sun and the tilt of the Earth's axis relative to the plane of revolution. In the temperate and polar regions, seasons are marked by changes in the amount of sunlight, which in turn often causes cycles of dormancy in plants and hibernation in animals.
  We can say a lot things about the weather just by looking outside the window.
As all we know there are four seasons during the year: Spring, Summer, Autumn or Fall, and Winter. But with very different characteristics. For example:
During the spring, the flowers are growing.
In the summer , as all we know, is the hottest time .
In Autumn the leaves fallen and we can see tree branches
Finally during the Winter , the air is frost and normally will be snow

Draw a picture of how  your town looks in winter an other in summer?
What happens  in spring?
What do many creatures do in Autum?
What can you do during the summer?
What is the weather like in the winter?

Tell how Fall and Autumn are different

What months are in your season?
 What holidays are in your season?

1.  We are going to use this resources in our classr to take notes on the effects weather conditions have on vegetation and animals.
2. First we must visit the "resources".
3.  After, we must divide our class to work better.
4. Then you must do the questions provided in "questions". 
5. Once of all pupils answerd the questions we put the hole class together.
6. In the class or into the school pupils must find pictures for each of your responses, they can use computer too. 
7.  At the end in pairs you will make an exposition to the teahcer.



In the final evaluation, the teacher will consider the following aspects:

Pupils followed the activity.

Pupils answered questions using usefull sentences.

Pupils used pictures tring to helping the  answer.

Pupils expressed ideas clearly.

Pupils have good prsence during the exposition.

Scoring Key:
4 points correct
3 points partially complete
2 points partially correct
1 point incorrec or incomplete

With this WEBQUEST, pupils may identify the four seasons of the year and their effects on our ecosystem

jueves, 5 de enero de 2012

Christmas Carol

Hi guys !!!!
Happy Christmas, now I have a new video about Santa.

Please watch the video and try to memorize it because after the holidays I want your performances in class.

Good Luck!!!!

miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011

A fecha de hoy

Con fecha de hoy ocupo tu vida con mis entradas de ocupación. Me presento con todos los invasores  de mi cuerpo y alma. Nos veremos las caras en la tierra de nadie. Allí donde Roderick señala desde lejos invitándonos a entrar: se inaugura blog en evolucion.